Installation of CR01 Gateway 11 fails with /bin/rpm: No such file or directory
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Installation of CR01 Gateway 11 fails with /bin/rpm: No such file or directory


Article ID: 272816


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


After having installed a couple of fresh API GW appliances version 11.0  the following patches that come with the CR01 were installed:

  1. Layer7_API_Gateway_Debian_v11.0.00-15944-CR01.L7P
  2. Layer7_API_Gateway_v11.0.00.15944_CR01.L7P

The first patch was installed successfully; unfortunately, the second one raised an error:

1) Patch ID Layer7_API_Gateway_Debian_v11.0.00-15944-CR01 (Upgrades the Layer7 API Gateway Software to version 11.0.00-15944-CR01. This patch requires a reboot of the Layer7 Gateway Appliance after installation.) is INSTALLED, last modified on 2023-08-31T16:54:21+0200

2) Patch ID Layer7_API_Gateway_v11.0.00.15944_CR01 (Upgrades the Layer7 API Gateway Software to version This patch requires a reboot of the Layer7 Gateway Appliance after installation.) is ERROR, last modified on 2023-08-31T17:06:11+0200

The installation log reports the following error:

INFO: Output from patch install: ================================================
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install:
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Done extracting shell script to run
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Running shell script
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/patch_sh_script2462653106635697976: line 15: rpm: command not found
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Installed SSG version :  +
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Installing SSG version :  + /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/ssg-11.0.00-15944_CR01.noarch.rpm
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/patch_sh_script2462653106635697976: line 39: rpm: command not found
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Installed PMS version :  +
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: RPMS_TO_INSTALL => /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/ssg-11.0.00-15944_CR01.noarch.rpm /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/patch-management-1.0.0-20230711025147.noarch.rpm
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: RPM Packages going to install with current installation are ->  /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/ssg-11.0.00-15944_CR01.noarch.rpm /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/patch-management-1.0.0-20230711025147.noarch.rpm
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/patch_sh_script2462653106635697976: line 67: /bin/rpm: No such file or directory
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Test upgrade of /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/ssg-11.0.00-15944_CR01.noarch.rpm /tmp/patchertemp428512524425847324.tmp/patch-management-1.0.0-20230711025147.noarch.rpm failed
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Error installing patch: Error executing patch task: non-zero exit code returned from patch install script (returned 1)
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: Full stack trace:
Aug 31, 2023 5:06:11 PM com.broadcom.patchman.service.PatchServiceApiImpl installPatch
INFO: Output from patch install: com.broadcom.patchbuilder.exception.PatchException: Error executing patch task: non-zero exit code returned from patch install script (returned 1)



Release : 11.0


For the CR1 update on gateway 11 on a Debian appliance you only need to install 

  1. Layer7_API_Gateway_Debian_v11.0.00-15944-CR01.L7P

The other one 

  1. Layer7_API_Gateway_v11.0.00.15944_CR01.L7P

is for a software gateway and not for the gateway based on the Debian appliance