How to implement RESTMon monitoring
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How to implement RESTMon monitoring


Article ID: 272779


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We would like to setup the RESTMon probe in our infrastructure. The probe install was simple but its setup is not very clear in the document listed below without an example.

Can you please provide step-by-step instructions with an example to get more clarity on setup?


  • UIM Release: 20.4
  • Component: restmon


  • The documentation is not clear enough on how to implement RESTMon monitoring in UIM.



After deploying the Restmon probe, you need to create the custom schema file specific to your infrastructure. 

You can find multiple examples of schema files in the UIM Nimsoft Archive (

Particularly, download the restmon-sample-schemas. This is a zip file that contains json files for different technologies.



- Go to Operator Console --> Settings --> Integrations:RestMon

- Modify any of the sample json files provided or create your own based on the documentation.

- Upload your modified schema file ("Browse" and then "Upload File") in the Upload custom RESTMon schema section.

- Once the file is uploaded, enter a name for the new monitoring and click on Proceed.

The result is a new probe in the Archive that you can deploy to any robot. You just need to set the configuration for the proper Restmon server and once connected you will start receiving the QoS configured in your custom schema.


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