Task Timeentry Notes are disabled in Timesheets if Timesheets Notes Date is enabled
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Task Timeentry Notes are disabled in Timesheets if Timesheets Notes Date is enabled


Article ID: 272776


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The new Enable Note Date setting in Timesheet Options will completely disable timeentry notes in the application if enabled once, and they will not reappear if you switch it off

Time entry task notes are missing / disappear from display on timesheets


  1. On a new 16.1.3, connect to Classic Timesheets
  2. Open a Timesheet and add a Task Timeentry Note, Save
  3. Note that this note is now available on the timesheet and in PRNOTE table
  4. Now go to Timesheet Options and select Enable Note Date, save
  5. Go back to Classic Timesheet and open the same timesheet

Expected Results: Timeentry notes on the Tasks to still be available for View and Edit in Classic UI Timesheets

Actual Results: Timeentry note icon no longer there in Timesheet on task, unable to view or create new timeentry notes. Even if we flip the Enable Note Date setting back to disabled, they will never display anymore. The entry is still present in PRNOTE but nowhere to be seen in the application.


Release : 16.1.3


This is DE77444, the fix is included in 16.2.0 and

Workaround: None