How to reset password for the built in 'admin' account used for the ADA console.
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How to reset password for the built in 'admin' account used for the ADA console.


Article ID: 272773


Updated On:


CA Application Delivery Analysis (NetQoS / ADA)


I need to reset or recreate the admin account password for the ADA console.


Release : 11.2


If the ADA admin password is lost or otherwise needs to be reset or recreated.


You need to have access to the MySQL database.  Once logged into the super database, the following command will change the password to 'admin':

update users set user_password='21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3' where user_name='admin';

If the account had been disabled, you may also need to change this next key to allow you to log in:

update users set algorithm=0 where user_name='admin';


Lastly, the following should recreate the admin account for you, if it doesn't exist already:

INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (1,'admin','21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3',0,1,1,1,1,NULL,'CST6CDT','Y',3,'CA Administrator Account manually readded',0,0,'2023-01-01 00:00:00','en-US');