Agent 6.6 upgrade to 6.8 from ROC shows "Unexpected error on server"
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Agent 6.6 upgrade to 6.8 from ROC shows "Unexpected error on server"


Article ID: 272701


Updated On:


CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio)


When trying to upgrade a Nolio RA agent from 6.6 to 6.8 from ROC the following error is shown: 
Unexpected error on server There is no retrieval agent belongs to the same nimi network as ...


Release : 6.8


Untick the prompt whether you want to use the new upgrade procedure.

Additional Information

In version 6.8 the old Automation Studio method of upgrading agents has been ported to the ROC and this problem has been fixed there. The fix involves specifically removing symbolic links before it attempts to delete folders. The upgrade process itself, in the 6.8 ROC, firsts prompts whether you want to use the new upgrade procedure. If you deselect this option then it will use the previous/ASAP method where this fix has been implemented to improve how the upgrade process handles the removal/upgrade of the JRE.