Evento sobre el servicio code 255
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Evento sobre el servicio code 255


Article ID: 272666


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


"s" command in ssh command prompt of config user in Vaap  is retuning.

[WARN] Cannot check the time on host <ip-address> - error code 255

What this means?




Release : 14.4


This can happen because network issue or by a temporary high usage of resources as CPU or memory and the remote ssh server take long to respond.


The message [WARN] Cannot check the time on host <ip-address> - error code 255, indicates that remote command ssh failed (or timeout threshold of 3 seconds exceeded) and terminated the script
Check the usage of cpu and memory on the moment of error happen this can disappear if was a temporary usage of server that make the ssh command take more than 3 seconds and in this way returning 255 return code.