multiple default gateway listed for multi-homed CA API Gateway 11 box need help configuring networking
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multiple default gateway listed for multi-homed CA API Gateway 11 box need help configuring networking


Article ID: 272585


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


We are upgrading to the V11. We have 3 interfaces configured on our GWs with V10 and same is continued with V11.

After configuring the IPs and setting the Default gateway as ssg_eth1, we rebooted the server but failed to do SSH. 

this is because there are 3 default GWs created on our GW server for all 3 interfaces. Did a lot of troubleshooting but could be able to resolve this.


Can you please help us fixing this issue?


Release : 11.0


If your IPv4 section, of your /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired* interface contains 


Then NetworkManager will try to build a gateway and routing entries for you  

If you want to manually configure this then you need to set it to manual


You can then define 




etc... (review the online man pages for all options)

They do work

You can manually add these in the file itself or do it similar to below which is less prone to typos:

# nmcli con show

# nmcli con edit Wired\ Connection\ 1

nmcli> set ipv4.gateway ""

nmcli> set whatever option you want

nmcli> set ipv4.route "###.###.###.###"

nmcli> save persist

nmcli> activate

This will save any options you updated into the Wired Connection file (similar to above manual changes) and restart the adapter.

You can also reboot to get it active.