After updating the CA EEM version, not able to login with the EEM admin user
Reviewing the EEM SERVER.LOG, saw the following messages:
DEBUG 2019-04-24 15:50:20,759 [0x00000510] [eiam.server.poz.poz] Server::init: initializing [version:]
DEBUG 2019-04-24 15:50:20,759 [0x00000510] [eiam.server.config.hosts] Hosts::getHost: host [xx.xx.xx.xx] not found
ERROR 2019-04-24 15:50:20,759 [0x00000510] [eiam.server.poz.poz] Server::init: host configuration missing cannot initialize [host Id: xx.xx.xx.xx]
DEBUG 2019-04-24 15:50:20,759 [0x00000510] [eiam.server.poz.poz] Server::createInstance: init failed
Release : CA Embedded Entitlements Manager 12.6.x
Confirmed that IP xx.xx.xx.xx is right, in fact we could open EEM's URL using that IP, but reviewing other configuration files noticed that each had a different value for the EEM host:
1. C:\Program Files\CA\SC\iTechnology\iPoz.conf -> Had the IP xx.xx.xx.xx
Should look like
2. C:\Program Files\CA\Directory\dxserver\config\knowledge\itechpoz.dxc -> Had both, IP and FQDN
Should look like:
address = ipv4 "" port 509
3. C:\Program Files\CA\SC\EmbeddedEntitlementsManager\config\server\server.xml -> Had FQDN with port 509
Should look like
<hosts primary="">
<host id="">
The above three (3) files must have the same value.
Stop iTechnology and Directory services and modify iPoz.conf and itechpoz.dxc, in order to all have the same value, server's FQDN (just how "server.xml" had it).
After EEM services were restarted, login to EEM application worked successfully.