In our current environment, there are scripts that use APIs to query the UIM database and read-in the alarm details, and insert this into an external database.
The scripts evaluate entries in this database to create incidents in our service desk application.
Decisions are made that depend upon the probe, current severity level, etc.
The results of these decisions will determine what information is used in the incident creation.
For example:
UIM alarm generated by the cdm probe with severity Major will create an incident with High priority.
UIM alarm generated by the vmware probe with severity Major will create an incident with Critical priority.
Can the SDGTW probe replicate this behavior?
UIM Release : 20.4 or higher
Component version: 2.32 and prior
This functionality is not available in the sdgtw probe. The SDGTW probe allows for mappings to be made from a UIM alarm to an incident on the configured service desk application.
Depending upon what decisions are made by the scripts, it may be possible to replicate these scripts at the monitoring probe level or with nas scripting to edit the UIM alarms so that the sdgtw mappings can then pass along the information for incident creation. Anything outside of this workaround would require an enhancement request.