Attempting to import a DKIM / RSA key into Administration > Certificates > Domain Keys fails with the error Unable to import the key. Reviewing the key data in the file shows that it has the expected key boundaries:
[key data]-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
Release : 10.8.1
If the import data file uses the Microsoft CRFL end of line format i.e. the key data has been copied into notepad or some other Windows text editor and saved before attempting to import into SMG, the import will fail.
This issue has been filed as a defect in Messaging Gateway 10.8.1 and will be addressed in a future release.
Converting the import file from the Windows standard CRLF end of line to Linux standard LF end of line will allow the DKIM private key data to be imported into Messaging Gateway. The simplest means of converting the end of line is to