Threat Analytics VM console related - root login to this VM console - stays active indefinitely. This a security concern.
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Threat Analytics VM console related - root login to this VM console - stays active indefinitely. This a security concern.


Article ID: 272497


Updated On:


CA Threat Analytics for PAM


Threat  Analytics VM console related -  root login to the TA VM console - stays active indefinitely. This a security concern.  Is there a way to logoff this root user after a specified time of inactivity?



Release : 4.1.x


Request For Information (RFI)


This can be done by adding a setting to the /etc/profile file:

To enable automatic user logout globally (system-wide for all users), 
set the above variable in the /etc/profile shell initialization file.

  $ vi /etc/profile

Add the following line.


Save and close the file. From now on, a user will be logged out after 
300 seconds (5 minutes), if he or she is not attending to the system.

Note: The current user will have to be manually logged off in the current 
session.  The setting will take effect on the next login.


Additional Information

In  PAM version 4.14 (with TA 2.4.0 version) an /etc/profile will be shipped with a default TMOUT value of 300 (5 minutes). In addition, the related PAM 4.1.4 official technical document will discuss this default TMOUT and how to alter it as needed.