PIM has been installed:
VERSION: 12.81-0 (4309)
On an oracle linux version machine:
Oracle Linux Server release 7.9
with kernel version:
In the policyfetcher logs we see that the enddpoint is able to establish communication with the Enterprise Management Server without any errors.
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - policyfetcher initialized successfully.
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - Starting policyfetcher loop...
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - adding "DH__@<hostname>" to DH list
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - Start checking for variables changes ...
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - INFO : UNAB is not installed.
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - Start sending heartbeat...
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - Scanning DH list, round #1
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - trying to connect to host "DH__WRITER@<hostname>"
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - successfully connected to host "DH__WRITER@<hostname>"
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - successfully reset endpoint events at DH
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - checking conflicts with DH...
11:58:48@Jul 27 2023 - trying to connect to host "localhost"
But, once the endpoint agent service is started, it does not allow access to selang.
ERROR: Initialization failed, EXITING!
ERROR: Connection failed
ERROR: Failed to receive reply
Privileged Identity Manager 12.8 SP1
Selang fails to connect to seagent, this has been observed once you have upgraded the UEK kernel (applicable for UEK kernel builds). During our investigation we did observe that seagent kept having errors calling the accept system calls on a IPv6 socket. This seems to be causing the problem when selang attempts to connect to selang. Simply disabing IPv6, however, does not resolve the problem.
The code has been fixed with acpatch-DE558679-, which is attached to this KB article. If there is an issue downloading the file, please open a case with Broadcom Support. Any install above will have this fix included.