What are some of the best practices and recommendations of using AppNeta's Experience?
Release : SAAS
When considering creating Experience workflows, you may want to begin by describing how you interact with a given target website, and the sequence at which you click through and navigate the target. The recommendation is to create a workflow that would interact with the target in the same way that you users will commonly interact with the page.
You may also which to create multiple workflows to test different interactions on a webpage.
- Testing website login
- Commonly used workflow for testing stability
- You may be utilizing the tool to monitor for website changes.
When building out complex workflows, some recommendations to think about;
- We recommend a service account where possible, so the login is recognized as a non user. We do not advise performing scripted logins using your own user account, beyond initial testing.
- The non-user account, may require whitelisting - some of your target websites might begin to recognize the bot-like behaviour and flag the account or throw a captcha, and this needs to be avoided.
- Keep in mind password changes may be a requirement to your logged in user.
- Website Persistance:
Consider if the website requires a login, changes you make in the website may be persistent. For example, a marketplace website may allow you to add something to your 'shopping cart', and after logging out, during the next test iteration as you log back in and add the item, you have 2 items in your shopping cart. Eventually your shopping cart my have several thousand of the item do to your workflow.
Other websites may not require a long in and allow you to browse as a guest, and rely on a web browsers cookies & browser history.
As the person building the workflow:
- Use Chromium (or Google Chrome) for your testing, as AppNeta runs a chromium browser.
- Consider building more then one workflow. Start with the login process and log out process, for example. Once that is stable, duplicate this to a new workflow and test your next steps in a new workflow. Workflows can be created or deleted easily, and this can allow you to maintain basic metrics of the login scripts
- Lower the script intervals as needed, by default we run every 5 mins, but if you have multiple workflows running very similar behaviour, you may want to reduce the load to a few times per hour:
- Overall, keep the workflows and short and simple as possible, so that its robust and long standing. If you have long or detailed workflows, small changes in the website can break the workflow, as elements go missing or change from the webpage.
AppNeta offers a few courses to help you learn and navigate some of our product. Here's a KB article related to AppNeta Academy, you may want to have a look at the "Configure Web App Monitoring with AppNeta Experience":