Project data type attachment attribute max attachment size
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Project data type attachment attribute max attachment size


Article ID: 272295


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Clarity PPM SaaS


What is max attachment size for when you upload individual/multiple files to the project data type attachment attribute in project object?


Clarity SaaS


  • The maximum individual Document Size in Clarity SaaS is 20 MB.
  • User will see "ERROR Uploaded document exceeds the maximum size limit of 20 MB" if the individual file is larger than 20MB.
  • Navigate to Administration > Security and Diagnostics > Health Report and go to the Application Tab, here you find all the Governor Limits including Document Size.
  • Governor limits help prevent a minority of users from degrading the performance of the majority of other users.
  • For total storage consumed the Health Report does not indicate, and please keep in mind you want to keep a reasonable limit as uploading multiple very large files as Clarity is not designed as a repository for unmanaged such large files.

Additional Information

Files uploaded count against the storage limits specified in the Clarity SaaS Service. Excess storage will likely prompt a notification from the Broadcom Account team.