Wish to invoke an ITPAM process with a SDM macro triggered by a SDM event which should response to a configuration item change.
Release : 17.3 or higher
CA Service Desk Manager
Out-of-the-box, Events for the Configuration Item Object can be triggered when the Activities that Configuration Items 'Activity Valid for' option is set to "Yes" are logged, for example, Configuration Item Inactivated, New Configuration Item, Field Update Activities. You can check which Activities are available for Configuration Item as per below.
1. Go to 'Notifications' > 'Activity Notifications' on 'Administration' tab.
2. Open a Notification Activity and check if 'Configuration Items' is set to "Yes".
If the Activity Notification is available for the Configuration Items, you can add an Event to the Activity Notification from the 'Events' tab. Please select "Configuration Items" from the 'Object Type' dropdown list and attach the Event on Events tab by clicking on 'Update Events' button.
If you would like to execute Events when some fields of Configuration Item are updated, you also need to associate the fields to the "Field Update" Activity Notification. The following is an example to associate field to the Field Update Activity Notification and set an Event.
e.g. When the 'Location' field of a Configuration Item is updated, a test Event "Test01" is triggered.
1. Create a test Event and Macro with Configuration Item Object Type. e.g. "Test01" Event.
2. Go to 'Notifications' > 'Activity Associations' and search for the field Symbol "Location" and Object Type "Configuration Item".
3. Open the Location Activity Association in edit mode. Turn on the option 'Log Me' and save the change. Ensure that the Activity Type is set to "Field Update".
4. Go to 'Notifications' > 'Activity Notifications' and open 'Field Update' in edit mode.
5. Select 'Configuration Items' from the 'Object Type' dropdown list and open 'Events' tab.
6. Click on 'Update Events' button and search for the created Event "Test01". Select it and save changes.
7. Open an existing Configuration Item and update the 'Location' field.
"Field Update" Activity is added to the 'Additional Information' > 'Activities' tab of the Configuration Item Detail screen. Click on 'Event History' button and confirm the Event "Test01" is listed and its status shows "Complete".