The customer reported that he can see a lot of clients in his environment not updating the basic inventory automatically.
He has many clients who sent Basic Inventory today but in the SMP Console (under Manage>Computers) it shows a way older date.
Example of what the SMP Console shows:
Example of what the Agent (Symantec Management Agent) UI shows:
Sometimes the date can be the same but the time mismatch.
ITMS 8.7
Known issue. SMA UI shows the date of any basic inventory NSE - delta or full, while the SMP Console shows the date of the last aex_ac_identification dataclass.
This issue has been addressed in our ITMS 8.7.1 release.
We added a safety check to guarantee that full basic inventory is sent at least once per policy interval.
The new value "Basic Inventory Full Last Post" regkey under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Servers\<server name> indicates the time of the last full basic inventory.
The old value "Basic Inventory Last Post" indicates the time of last full or delta inventory.
We had also updated the SMP Console to use "Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Status" table for Basic Inventory date:
"vAC_AgentBasicInventoryHealth" view is updated and now gets information from "dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Client_Status" instead of previous "dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification"