When creating a Locator Search to find port models either for immediate need or to populate a Global Collection it is
tempting to use the 'Interfaces of Devices' Special criteria feature.
Release : 22.2
When a Locator Search is run the SpectroSERVER(s) need to load all their models into a hash table and then iterate through the
table trying to match the search criteria against each model. This means that when the target of your search is specific port models
you will NOT want to use Special Criteria. When 'Interfaces of Devices' is selected it means that the search will target the Device
Models and not the port models therefore any attributes used in the search would need to be targeting the Device(s). If port models
are specified the search will not return any results.
When searching for port models try to structure the search to be more efficient and if possible limit the use of external attributes.
- For example, when searching for ports use 'Model Class EqualTo Port' as the first criterion as this will quickly eliminate a nonport model.
- Try and use Attributes with the Database flag set over external. Attributes with the external flag need to be polled for their value in order
to compare it to the search criteria. Some SpectroSERVER databases can have 300k - 800k or more port models which would mean
that many polls need to go out which can lead to performance issues.
For popular external port attributes, Spectrum has Internal versions. The internal versions have the database flag set and are updated during
model activation and any time the external version is read from.
What are the internal attributes available in Spectrum 21.2.4