How to enable automatic startup of Xcom on Linux at system restart
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How to enable automatic startup of Xcom on Linux at system restart


Article ID: 272011


Updated On:


XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


The purpose of this article is to document how to enable automatic startup of  Xcom on Linux at system restart.


The XCOM installer does not setup the system to automatically start the xcomd deamon at system startup. Therefore you need to start it manually. The complete path to start xcomd would be /opt/CA/XCOM/sbin/xcomd or the path where you installed XCOM. 

On Unix platforms, the native OS facilities can be used to define the service and be configured to start Xcom automatically on reboot. Refer to steps below to learn how to define a system service and enable for auto start on Redhat 8.

Validate the steps provided below and consult with the system administrator in order to customize it according to the needs.

Step 1: Create a file /etc/systemd/system/xcomd.service and add the below content to the file.

Description = XCOMD Scheduler service
After =

Type = forking
ExecStop=/sbin/xcomd -s

WantedBy =

Modify/customize any of the intervals and other things.

Step 2: Issue below commands to start/stop or check status.

systemctl start xcomd
systemctl stop xcomd
systemctl status xcomd

Note: Using command "xcomd -s" to stop the daemon will not stop it and it will result in a restart of the daemon because it is interpreted as a process failure by the "Restart=on-failure" that is configured in the system service. 

Step 3: Issue the command below to enable the service. This will set the service for an auto start on reboots. This will also create a softlink for xcomd.service file at /etc/systemd/system/ directory.

systemctl enable xcomd

Additional Information

If encountering problems with the automatic startup of xcomd, it is worth checking if SELinux is preventing xcomd from running in the background. Please use commands like below to check for any error messages and address them with the Linux adminstrator:

  • grep "SELinux is preventing" /var/log/messages
  • grep -i "xcomd" /var/log/messages