Most of our devices in PM (not all) are not synced with Spectrum.
We can see all alarms from Spectrum if we change the group filter to sources > Spectrum Infrastructure Manager.. :
But looking into the tenant (as all tenant users have to), we don't see the same alarms matched to the devices:
If we look into the device on the alarm context page, we see the message, that this item is not synchronized:
Looking into the same context of a device that is synchronized we see, what we expect:
I checked a query from the last case with this topic and see that the synced device has 2 datasources:
mysql> select a.SourceID, a.itemname, a.LocalID, a.ItemID, v6_ntoa(a.Address), b.consolename from dst_device a, data_sources2 b where a.sourceid=b.sourceid and v6_ntoa(a.Address) = 'xx.yy.ww.zz';
| SourceID | itemname | LocalID | ItemID | v6_ntoa(a.Address) | consolename |
| 3 | xxx-101065-yy-zz | 107973866 | 23426749 | 0x3137322E32332E3134332Ewwww | Data Aggregator@hijklmnopgrstuv |
| 4 | xxx-101065-yy-zz | 0x2623628c | 23426749 | 0x3137322E32332E3134332Ewwww | Spectrum Infrastructure Manager@abcdefg0x |
2 rows in set (0.19 sec)
And the query for the not synced device has missing spectrum as datasource:
mysql> select a.SourceID, a.itemname, a.LocalID, a.ItemID, v6_ntoa(a.Address), b.consolename from dst_device a, data_sources2 b where a.sourceid=b.sourceid and v6_ntoa(a.Address) = 'yy.ww.zz.xx';
| SourceID | itemname | LocalID | ItemID | v6_ntoa(a.Address) | consolename |
| 3 | yyy-008048-xx-zz-0w | 1037486 | 446122 | 0x3137322E32332E3135352E31zzzz | Data Aggregator@hijklmnopqrstuv |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)
Nevertheless that not working item has the right ID in its attributes in the spectrum:
We already performed a full sync of the datasource spectrum. But that did not solve the problem.
Release : 22.2
Truncate the item_model_mapping table and restart the Spectrum Tomcat service.
- Log into the OneClick system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
- If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
- Shutdown Tomcat
- On Linux, cd to the $SPECROOT/tomcat/bin directory and run "./"
- On Windows run "net stop spectrumtomcat"
- cd to the $SPECROOT/mysql/bin directory and run the following command to log into MySQL:
./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<PASSWD> -A
- Enter the following command at the mysql prompt:
mysql> truncate table netqos_integ.item_model_mapping;
- Enter "quit" at the MySQL prompt to exit
- Start Tomcat
- On Linux, cd to the $SPECROOT/tomcat/bin directory and run "./"
- On Windows run "net start spectrumtomcat"
As per Engineering, you should contact Support first. All scenarios may not require truncating the table so it would be better if you contact support and on our guidance, you should take any steps.