After Connector Server Upgrade Error connecting to CCS on localhost 20402 - socket closed
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After Connector Server Upgrade Error connecting to CCS on localhost 20402 - socket closed


Article ID: 271984


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


After upgrading the Java Connector Server attempting to view ADS Account properties failed with a socket closed error failing to connect to localhost on port 20402


Release : 14.4


The Connector Server\ccs\bin folder showed that the while most files were upgraded the libslapd.dll file was not updated. Trying to manually delete the old DLL failed since it was being used by the Windows DHCP Client service.


We had to stop the Windows DHCP Client service first. After that we could delete the old copies of libslapd.dll and then rename the newer libslapd.dll_temp to be libslapd.dll instead.