Information on restarting a container in Docker with new updates regarding XCOM for Linux
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Information on restarting a container in Docker with new updates regarding XCOM for Linux


Article ID: 271939


Updated On:


XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC


These are the requirement areas for the new updates:
We want to restart a container in docker with new updates in the docker-compose. 
We want to add new parameters in the docker-compose such as port, user and volume.


OS:  Linux




1.    You are free to modify the docker-compose.yml file to customize the container settings as per your site needs.  The docker

container might be failing to start because of these reasons: 

a     If you want to use the docker-compose utility directly to start the container, modify the "image" value in the yml file to

remove the environment variables and replace it with the Image name in <Repository: TAG> format. 

For, to use the 12.0 22042 version
image.  If you are unsure of the version of the image that you have, issue the command "docker images" which
will display all the images available on the system with Repository and TAG details.


b     If you want to use script, ideally it should work fine.  File config/dockerimagetag.env may not have the

TAG details correctly.  Please check this file and set the missing details of TAG correctly.  It should look like export

XCOM_LINUX_IMAGE_TAG="12.0.00-22042" and the version number "12.0.00-22042" can vary based on

the Image you have.  You should be able to determine the version from the "docker images" command.  


2.    How to define a new data volume inside docker/container so that the transfers leave the received files in this volume.

You can add any new data volumes in the .yml file.  The left side path is from the host server where the container is

running and the right side path indicates the path inside a container where this volume can be accessed.  The

trailing / for the paths on the left-hand side or right-hand side is not needed.  

- /home/apps/testpath:/tmp/testpath


3.    The logs of each transfer to be in another volume and not in the one that the container is placed in when it is lifted.  You can

modify the left-hand side path of the below line in volumes to map a different location to be used for the log.  Generally,

XCOM has a combined log file for all transfers unless XLOGFILE is specified in each transfer configuration. 

- $XCOMDockerHome/logs:/opt/CA/XCOM/logs


4.    How to change a variable in the container (e.g. port) and make it persistent in the container.  Below section in the .yml

determines the ports being used by the container.  You can modify the values on the left-hand side to use

different ports for the container. 

       - 8044:8044
       - 8045:8045
       - 8046:8046
       - 8047:8047

Additional Information

For information on XCOM and Docker please see the XCOM Data Transport for UNIX/Linux 12.0 tech docs space at: