Is there a way to show the User Description and the Summary in Survey Notification?
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Is there a way to show the User Description and the Summary in Survey Notification?


Article ID: 271917


Updated On:


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Can I add the Resolution Description (User Description) and the ticket Summary to the Survey Message Body so that end users can easily identify their ticket context to answer to the Survey?


If you add the syntax "@{call_req_id.summary}" and @{description} to the Survey Message Body, Summary of a ticket and User Description of the Update Status Activity will be added to the Survey Sent Notification email. 

The following steps are example to send out the Survey notification when a ticket is closed.

  1. Open 'Close' Activity Notification and open 'Survey' tab.
  2. Turn on 'Send Survey?' option.
  3. Add the following syntax on the Survey Message Body.

    Summary: @{call_req_id.summary}
    Comment: @{description}

  4. On a ticket, go to 'Activities' > 'Update Status'. Set the 'New Status' to "Closed" and type your comment in 'User Description' field. Save it.
  5. Survey Notification email shows:

    Summary: (Ticket Summary field value)
    Comment: (Comment added to the 'User Description' field of the Update Status Activity on the above step 4.)