XCOMN0780E TxpiInitSSL Failed "SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO" in xcom.log
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XCOMN0780E TxpiInitSSL Failed "SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO" in xcom.log


Article ID: 271910


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows


Seeing these error messages in the XCOM for Windows xcom.log file:

2023/08/15 15:03:16 TID=REMOTE PRG=xcomtcp PID=6760 IP=
    XCOMN0780E Txpi  308: TxpiInitSSL Failed msg = <error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol> value = 4294967295: 

Running version:
CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 20035 SP03 64bit for Windows Family (CPIC & TCP/IP)

What is causing the problem?


XCOM data Transport for Windows


The root cause was not related to attempted file transfers.
Rather the Windows port scanning tool PortQry was being used to check the XCOM SSL listening port 8045: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/networking/portqry-command-line-port-scanner-v2.
The command used "portqry.exe -n localhost -nr -q -e 8045" was causing the SSL handshake error messages in the xcom.log file
 XCOMN0780E Txpi  308: TxpiInitSSL Failed msg = <error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol> value = 4294967295: 

Additional Information

1. XCOM Support also downloaded PortQry V2 from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17148&6B49FDFB-8E5B-4B07-BC31-15695C5A2143=1.
Running the same command "portqry.exe -n localhost -nr -q -e 8045", the TxpiInitSSL error reported in the xcom.log file was actually different:
2023/08/18 09:18:05 TID=REMOTE PRG=xcomtcp PID=12668 IP=
    XCOMN0812I Remote Secure TCP/IP Connection Requested.

2023/08/18 09:18:05 TID=REMOTE PRG=xcomtcp PID=12668 IP=
    XCOMN0780E Txpi  308: TxpiInitSSL Failed msg = <error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)> value = 1: 

2023/08/18 09:18:05 TID= PRG=xcomtcp PID=12668 IP=
    XCOMN0818I Secure TCP/IP Connection Ended.
Therefore it seems the actual SSL handshake error may depend on the specific server and the SSL certificate implementation in XCOM.

NOTE: Removing the portqry "-q" option and using command "portqry.exe -n localhost -nr -e 8045" returns the result:
Querying target system called:


Attempting to resolve name to IP address...

Name resolved to


TCP port 8045 (unknown service): LISTENING

2. Another test by XCOM support for a loopback transfer to the SSL port 8045 when not specifying the required parameter SECURE_SOCKET=YES can also cause the reported error:
2023/08/18 10:45:10 TID=REMOTE PRG=xcomtcp PID=9488 IP=
    XCOMN0812I Remote Secure TCP/IP Connection Requested.

2023/08/18 10:45:10 TID=REMOTE PRG=xcomtcp PID=9488 IP=
    XCOMN0780E Txpi  308: TxpiInitSSL Failed msg = <error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol> value = 4294967295: 

2023/08/18 10:45:10 TID= PRG=xcomtcp PID=9488 IP=
    XCOMN0818I Secure TCP/IP Connection Ended.

2023/08/18 10:45:10 TID=000007 PRG=xcomtcp PID=9452 IP=xcom PORT=8045
    XCOMN0805I TCP/IP Connection Ended.

2023/08/18 10:45:10 TID=000007
    XCOMN0297E Error requesting header confirmation: Txpi  217: Socket receive error return value = 10054