Deployed IG but WPDS database is not created
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Deployed IG but WPDS database is not created


Article ID: 271907


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


IG deployment in Vaap ends but do not create the DB's as WPDS

Popup Error:

! Deployment Failed

The following errors were encountered during the deployment process:

[INFO] Removing existing cipher config and protocol config from vapp-default
[INFO] Inserting new cipher config and TLSv1.2 protocol config into vapp-default
[ERROR] 21 Failed to populate the database for Identity Governance (error code: 21)
[INFO] Populating IG database structure on the external database
[ERROR] Operation failed error #21



Release : 14.4


Initially deployed with the Vaap with external oracle database and later switched to the external sql server database. There were remnants of Oracle configuration that have caused problems during deployments (Already had a case of portal and now this one of Governance).
Although the problem has been solved here, we recommend rethinking that this test machine to be rebuilt in a new appliance placed in the cluster and then you decommission this machine or deploy it from scratch to a server pointed to sqlserver to make sure you get rid of these requirements of the initial deploy in oracle db.

Resolution commands used in Vaap that add sqlserver driver. This resolved the issue:

/subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver=sqlserver:add(driver-name=sqlserver, driver-module-name="",,

Also adjusted the attribute check-valid-connection-sql that was with the oracle string "select 1 from dual" and changed to sql string "select 1"

/subsystem=datasources/data-source=WPDS/:write-attribute(name=check-valid-connection-sql,value=SELECT 1)

Try to start IG and WPDS tables will be created.