Worker, Communication Process and Client Executions status Unknown
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Worker, Communication Process and Client Executions status Unknown


Article ID: 271892


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation CA Automic Operations Manager


Work processes / Communication processes / Client Executions   are showing the status of 'Unknown' when viewing from the Administration perspective. 



Release : 21.0.6 and later


This is due to a purposeful change in the code. 

In 12.3 up to version 21.0.5 HF4, the status of the CP and WPs (when viewed by going to the Administration perspective/ Processes and Utilization/ Right click on any CP or WP, select Monitoring / Executions) showed a status of Still Active or unknown:

This "Still Active" or "unknown" status is not a valid status for any task in Automic. 


This is by design. In the Java UI that was deprecated as of v21, this "unknown" status was the correct status shown as a question mark only:

and this has now been corrected in the current code line or shown as status "unknown" for client executions.