Listen port config container gateway
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Listen port config container gateway


Article ID: 271857


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


I am using the container gateway and I'm trying to configure the listenport to use a private key that is already present in the database, however using the alias I am not able to get the listenport to use the configured key.

The Helm upgrade update the configmap but the change is not applied to the gateway .


Release : 11.0


The listenport config bundle in gateway/templates/listenport-configmap.yaml contains a bootstrap bundle which is only be applied on a gateway restart or new deployment .

The helm upgrade or the upgrade in terraform will only update the configmap but not restart the gateway to apply the bootstrap bundle .

You need to do a  

kubectl rollout restart deployment <deployment-name>

To get the deployment name you can run 

 kubectl get deployments 

This will restart the deployment and apply the updated bundle