RE script having problems in the lab
When running the (default path) /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/RemoteEngineer/ script in a recently upgraded DX NetOps Portal web server host we get an error.
The error states: "/user/bin/env: python3: No such file or directory"
The issue can be seen on Portal web servers, Data Aggregator and Data Collector hosts.
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management Portal web server, Data Aggregator and Data Collector releases 22.2.8 or newer
Starting with DX NetOps releases 22.2.8 or newer OS level python3.6+ is now a requirement for the script.
This was not properly documented to alert customers to the requirement.
Install python3.6+ on the servers to resolve the script run failures.
Do you have Python 3 installed on this host?
python3 --version
You should get this output:
[root@DC_hostname RemoteEngineer]# python3 --version
Python 3.6.8
If not, install python3
# python3 --version-bash: python3: command not found
yum install -y python3
Defect DE568140 has been submitted to engineering for documentation updates to correct the missing requirement.