Disaster recovery / Failover Documentation
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Disaster recovery / Failover Documentation


Article ID: 271736


Updated On: 03-28-2024


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


How to set up Disaster Recovery for Applications Manager for versiond 9.4.x/9.5.x.


Release: 9.4.X and 9.5.X


Applications Manager is made up of 3 main components not including the Java Client (GUI);

1. The master (and local agent) is essentially the brains of the Applications Manager. 
2. The Remote Agents communicate with the master so the master can tell it when and how to run Jobs.
3. The database which the master connects and communicates to, and where Applications Manager objects are stored

The Disaster Recovery topic covered in our documentation (linked below), is only meant to assist in making disaster recovery easier by providing information on what actions to take when one or more of the above components' servers fail.  Please refer to the link below for more information.


The documentation details what needs to be done in the situation where the "RMI (master) server is lost", "Database server is lost", and/or "Remote agent server is lost".

The documentation for Disaster Recovery is meant to only assist in what needs to be done if a particular component failed and disaster recovery is needed. 

The documentation does not include specific details on how a Disaster Recovery environment should be set up and/or configured. This is because DR environments can be configured in quite a number of ways such as taking daily or weekly backups which can to used to image a DR server, or to more complicated configurations where network/hardware load balancers may keep 2 servers identical just in case one server fails. Specific details regarding the configuration of DR environments fall outside of scope of Broadcom Automic Support. It is suggested these details are sorted by the network and system administrator of the specific environment. If there are any questions specific to the Applicaitons Manager product please open a support request for further discussion.