Unable to initiate new Oauth handshake
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Unable to initiate new Oauth handshake


Article ID: 271703


Updated On: 10-05-2023


CA API Gateway


I have upgraded OTK Toolkit on one of our internal API Gateway OVA's to 4.6.1. However, while running OAuth 2.0 Test Client, I received the following error when initiating new OAuth handshake:

{  "error":"invalid_request",  "error_description":"The request failed due to some unknown reason"}The access token was retrieved.

Could you please assist us in troubleshooting this


Release : 10.1


The #OTK CORS fragment is used to customize CORS 

Copying token service endpoint to the fragment results in the OTK CORS calling itself - fail and error 



OTK Fail with error message processes the following message



  "error_description":"The request failed due to some unknown reason"


SSG log

2023-08-10T13:10:59.531-0400 SEVERE  270 com.l7tech.server.SoapMessageProcessingServlet: Encapsulated assertion OTK CORS is calling itself (directly or indirectly).

Disabled from line 13 down.  This was added and not needed