Testing newest build 238 on one of our sandboxes (WebSphere server)
Update was made as usual:
After updating ear file in WAS console, instead of logon screen I get error message:
Error 500: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Nonce value is not set.
All standard troubleshooting methods failed: recycle WAS task, delete cookies etc.
Downloaded build 237 and everything worked perfectly fine.
This is a known issue with Web Viewer and WebSphere
To resolve the WebSphere IBM issue for LU10338 Enable Content Security Policy (CSP) by default for Web Viewer 12.1
There is a WebSphere Server custom property that needs to be set in order for the server to recognize the filters that were added to web.xml for the CSP changes.
Perform the following for all of your WebSphere servers to resolve this IBM issue:
The application should now work as expected.
The documented information on this IBM fix:
This IBM technote: PK57083: FILTER MAPPINGS OF AN ASTERISK BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY THAN THE SERVLET MAPPINGS OF THE SAME. states the original (and still default) WAS behavior for filter mapping value '*' does not align with general "expectations".
IBM supports a WebContainer custom property to enable the expected behavior: com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.mapFiltersToAsterisk