Unable to login into 9.5 client - No login window
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Unable to login into 9.5 client - No login window


Article ID: 271667


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


When attempting to launch the 9.5 client, the client window opens however no login window can be seen. The following error message can be found in the client.log

14:33:41.893 main: .AxDesktopPane: new

14:33:41.909 main: .AxMain: login null**** null

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1

            at com.appworx.client.screen.logon.B.?(Logon.java:189)

            at com.appworx.client.screen.main.AxMain.A(AxMain.java:2120)

            at com.appworx.client.screen.main.AxMain.main(AxMain.java:2737)




Release : 9.5.0


This issue can be seen when there are additional blank spaces in the connections.properties file. This issue is exclusive to the 9.5.0 client..


Review the connections.properties file in the client folder for any additional blank spaces. If found remove the spaces, save the file and relaunch the RunClient.jar.