IDB2 dbgexrpt IQL is not reporting the exception definition name
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IDB2 dbgexrpt IQL is not reporting the exception definition name


Article ID: 271665


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Trying to list our defined exception definitions using dbgexrpt and while the exception file name heading shows on the report, the actual data does not.  For example:

2023/08/10  10:49:27                                                                                                       PAGE    1
                                                   LIST OF EXCEPTION DEFINITIONS                                                    
                                                          TYPE: SUBSYSTEM                                                           
STATUS SSN  <----------------------------------------  EXCEPTION TEXT  ----------------------------------------> NAME               
------ ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------           
ACTIVE **** IS&SSNS06&LVL # of EDM request failures - no pagesavailable: &VALUEXX                                                   

                   List of Subsystem Exception Definitions                     
                                                                    Row 505/507
Commands: ADD=Add exception, ACTALL/INACTALL=Activate/inactivate all exceptions
Actions: U=Update current and permanent, P=Update permanent definition only,   
         C=Copy, D=Delete, A=Activate, I=Inactivate, B=Browse.  Use F6 to add. 
STA/NAME SSN   <---------------  EXCEPTION TEXT  --------------->              
_ ACTIVE ****  IS&SSNS06&LVL # of EDM request failures - no pages              
SS000001       available: &VALUEXX                                             


Release : 20.0


The problem was caused by the use of an old exception file. Using the new exception file resolved the problem.