Linux Compliance Reports are Blank Showing No Data and Policies are Not Installing on Linux Servers
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Linux Compliance Reports are Blank Showing No Data and Policies are Not Installing on Linux Servers


Article ID: 271576


Updated On:


Server Management Suite Patch Management Solution


When running a compliance report, such as Red Hat Compliance by Computer, no results are returned.  Another symptom is that you create a software update policy, and the updates are not getting installed on the server.


Release : 8.6


Missing data class for Linux server


There is a data class called Linux Operating System, with the corresponding table being Inv_Linux_Operating_System.  This table is populated one time by the agent during inventory collection process.  For some reason, unknown at this time, this data class is not populated.  This data class, and corresponding table, must have data in it for the Linux system you're trying to report compliance on. 

You can run the following command against the Linux server to generate this data:  

aex-invrulescollector --refresh