Symantec Directory : Testing SSL connectivity with JXplorer reports "Sever CA Certificate missing"
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Symantec Directory : Testing SSL connectivity with JXplorer reports "Sever CA Certificate missing"


Article ID: 271485


Updated On:


CA Directory


You may come across a situation where after properly creating the DSA personality cert(s) successfully, when testing SSL connectivity via LDAP browser (e.g. JXplorer browser), it shows a popup window that reports "Server CA Certificate missing".



Release : 14.1


The cause could be not importing the trusted root CA into JXplorer's (or any LDAP browser) trusted certificate store. Once you import it successfully, the above popup window will not appear going forward.

Here is how..

** On the top menu line of JXplorer LDAP browser, you will see 'Security' tab.
** Click that and you will see 'Trusted Server and CAs' tab.
** Once in there, you will have an option to add your current 'trusted.pem' to JXplorer trust store.
** Once added, you can start new JXplorer window and test.
** This time, you should not be presented with the popup that you saw earlier.