Is there a way to display backend metric data for the individual database queries as well as list out the query on a table in DX Dashboards?
I have been able to create a table that will display blame point metric data only for a pre-selected database as a single unit but I would like to populate the table with each database call that APM is monitoring as seen in the metric view.
Release :
If you have access to a SAAS tenant, there are many examples. Such as APM-MySQL:
Looking at the dashboards I see MongoDB, MySQL. Under General I see Oracle dashboards. Looking at these dashboards, I see no data. But since no agents are associated with them, that would make sense
I would look at inspect in each panel (how to find . Look at the definitions ) to see how set up .
You may export and import as a new dashboard. Amy issues with these dashboards would be a break -fix issue and a new case. I can open for you once having the specifics