Need to produce a daily CFILE list that does not include TYPE = DEPT, DIV, PROF, etc.
Release : 16.0
You can run a batch TMP job or TSSCFILE to issue the TSS LIST command.
Member TSSTMP in the TSS SAMPJCL library contains sample jcl to
run a TSS command in batch. Member TSSCFILE in the TSS SAMPJCL library
contains sample jcl to run the TSSCFILE utility, which will produce
formatted output.
The TSS LIST command has different syntax based on what data you are
looking for. Below are examples and what each will give you.
To list all acids on the security file with all data, use:
=> tss lis(acids) type(user)
=> tss lis(acids) type(dca)
=> tss lis(acids) type(vca)
=> tss lis(acids) type(zca)
NOTE: The TSS LIST(ACIDS) ... command should be run during off peak hours
since this command can be very I/O intensive to the security file
which could negatively impact performance.