Unable To Set Project Financial Status To Closed, Error REVMGR-20062
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Unable To Set Project Financial Status To Closed, Error REVMGR-20062


Article ID: 271279


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Steps To Reproduce:
1.When attempting to change the project Financial status to 'Closed', the error is received:
REVMGR-20062 - Unable to close project because some transactions are waiting to be adjusted

2.Set the affected 'Financial Status' of the projects to 'Open'
3. Go to Classic UI > Home Menu >  Financial Management   > Approve WIP Adjustment
4. Attempt to filter for the projects with dates and project code.

Expected: Transactions should appear in the 'Approve WIP Adjustment' page.

Actual:  Transactions do appear in the 'Approve WIP Adjustment' page.


Release: All


Since the records to not appear via the UI, this will need to be reviewed by the Support team.

Please contact Support for the queries to run.