Actions Button is mis-aligned when clarity window is viewed at higher zoom level
Actions Button is mis-aligned when clarity window is viewed at higher zoom level
Article ID: 271277
Updated On: 09-28-2023
Clarity PPM SaaSClarity PPM On Premise
Actions Button in Clarity Cost Plans are misaligned when window is resized or when viewed in higher zoom levels
Steps to replicate:
Login to Clarity
Go to Projects and select any one of it
Click on Financial Tab and click on Cost plan from the left pane
Select any one of the cost plan item that is listed
Resize the window. For Example: 125% or 300%
Expected result:
The actions menu to be aligned as per view size
Actual result:
The actions menu gets misaligned and overlaps on other menus
As per the usability and accessibility documentation in 16.1.2, it is mentioned that the grids are best viewed at 200% or higher, but we see the actions menu shifting unexpectedly at different levels, for example 125% and gets worse at 300%. Would this use case qualify as a defect or would this need further enhancement in the product.