How to change a device model name via Data Aggregator REST Web Services
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How to change a device model name via Data Aggregator REST Web Services


Article ID: 271266


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Is it possible to change a device name via Data Aggregator REST Web Services in DX Netops Performance Management?


DX Netops Performance Management all versions.


You can change the name by using a POST to the device ItemId

See the http://<DA>:8581/rest/devices/documentation endpoint on the Data Aggregator for additional information.

Change the port and protocol for your installation.

Data Aggregator Rest Endpoint: http(s)://<da_host>:<port>/rest/devices/ItemId



REST Method: PUT
Content-Type: application/xml
Example Body:

<Device version="1.0.0">
 <Item version="1.0.0">

When you send the PUT to that devices ItemID it will change the name. 

The new name will be seen in the DX Netops Portal after the next Data Aggregator sync

The name will also be locked and will only update via REST as shown above. 

Additional Information

Here are the detailed steps using cURL:

Take note of the device's Item ID value (281658):

Then run this cURL syntax on the DA (Data Aggregator) host:

curl -u admin -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/xml' -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '<Device version="1.0.0"><Item version="1.0.0"><Name>Changed_name_34267</Name></Item></Device>' http://localhost:8581/rest/devices/281658          (for HTTP)


curl -k -u admin -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/xml' -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '<Device version="1.0.0"><Item version="1.0.0"><Name>Changed_name_34267</Name></Item></Device>' https://localhost:8582/rest/devices/281658         (for HTTPS)

Where admin is the Portal account with Administrator privilege, 281658 is the device's Item ID, and Changed_name_34267 is the new device's name.