Restore logging with FDB similar to the FILOGNAM I Logging files with FDS
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Restore logging with FDB similar to the FILOGNAM I Logging files with FDS


Article ID: 271259


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When FDS (Files Data Set) are used, The FILOGNAM Sysparm allows the creation of Logging I files that register all the Restore/Autorestore activity done. These Logging files are very useful in case of any doubt/issue on the restored datasets .

When FDB (Datacom Files DataBase) are used, the FILOGNAM Sysparm is ignored, so how to obtain the same Restore logging information in this situation. 



Release : 14.0 


It is possible to achieve the same information about the DMSAR activity when FDB is in place, using a Datacom report on LXX/RXX as follows: 

//REPORT EXEC PGM=DBUTLTY,REGION=4M                            
//STEPLIB  DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.AD151.CUSLIB                 
//         DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.AD151.CAAXLOAD               
//RXX      DD DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.RXX ---- or LXX ----               
//SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                        
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                        
//SNAPER   DD  SYSOUT=*                                        
//SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=*                                        
//SYSIN    DD *                                                
 REPORT AREA=RXX,DBID=nnn,JOBNAME=DMSAR,                       

where the correct Datacom CUSLIB and CAAXLOD should be set .

Noticing that the DBID is not mandatory, so, if more than one DBID is manged by that MUF, the report will include all the different DBIDs DMSAR tasks activity.

Usually the report should run on the different RXX GDG levels, but as an exception, it could also run against the online LXX (if the research should be done on recent DMSAR activity not already spilled on the RXX log)

Below the Datacom techdoc url link for this report explanation: 

Recovery File (RXX) Analysis Report

Adding that it is possible to limit this report based on a date/time range using the below keyword:

Specify two date/times to provide a range (low to high). The date/times are specified as a 28 character number with the lower date/time immediately followed by the higher date/time. Each date/time is 14 characters in the format 'ccyymmddhhmmss'. For example: '2002121400000020020228235959'. Note that the input is not read beyond one record higher than this ending value.
