After connecting an Automation Engine to a different System name and starting some processes due to a DR activity, the AWI could no longer connect to the AE after having reverted to the original AE System.
In the AWI log, the following error occurs while trying to logon in client 0 as UC:
2023-08-04 09:56:37,166 pool-1-thread-5 [WARN ] AE_SYSTEMNAME:0/UC/UC node01f0pdl4a0xdn51h4kymo45quar0-0 0000000042679016 [com.uc4.webui.api.connection.AEConnectionAdapter] - This took too long. 179.992s/179.992s [Request: com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestEndpoints@66ad1ee0]
2023-08-04 09:56:37,166 pool-1-thread-5 [ERROR] AE_SYSTEMNAME:0/UC/UC node01f0pdl4a0xdn51h4kymo45quar0-0 0000000042679016 [com.uc4.ecc.backends.impl.dataservice.system.features.SystemFeatureService] - Unable to load system features
com.uc4.ecc.backends.exceptions.AutomationEngineAPIException: Error during XRequest com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestEndpoints
at com.uc4.ecc.backends.util.APICallHelper.sendRequestAndWait(
at com.uc4.ecc.backends.impl.dataservice.request.RequestService.lambda$sendAndWait$0(
at com.uc4.ecc.framework.entrypoint.core.lock.VaadinSessionLockUtil.reportLock(
at com.uc4.ecc.backends.impl.dataservice.request.RequestService.sendAndWait(
Caused by: com.uc4.communication.TimeoutException: Request timed out (180008)
Release : 21.x
Component: Automation Engine
Defect: queries to the MQ* tables performed by the JCP or JWP should include in the where clause the current AE System name.
In this particular case, some entries in MQLS table contained a different system name, hence the JWP query would throw two results instead of one and not the expected output:
resulting in
20230804/092756.769 - 49 U00045395 Assigned roles: []
20230804/092756.784 - 49 U00045395 Assigned roles: []
In order to fix the issue, the records from MQLS where the MQLS_SYSTEM does not correspond with the AE system name defined in ucsrv.ini must be deleted.
WARNING (only perform the below after consulting with Technical Support):
The below is a query for Oracle databases for deleting records where the system name is not AE_SYSTEMNAME (this should be replaced by the current AE System name defined as system=XXX in ucsrv.ini):
delete from mqls where mqls_system != 'AE_SYSTEMNAME';
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component(s): Automation Engine
Will be fixed in Automation.Engine 21.0.9 - Planned release late December 2023
Bug ID: AE-33191
Public Description: A problem has been fixed where the role assignment was not anymore correct when the system name changed