How to obtain the Java Process ID (PID) for named DLP service sub-processes on Windows
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How to obtain the Java Process ID (PID) for named DLP service sub-processes on Windows


Article ID: 271225


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention


For troubleshooting or memory dump capture, there is a need to identify which java.exe process is associated with a given DLP service, for example, Aggregator or DLP Detection Server Service.


Release : 16.0


It was previously possible before DLP 16.0 to show the "command line" output in Task Manager Details and correlate a java process, but in DLP 16.0 this field contains more information than can be displayed in the description field.


Using Powershell on a Windows system, this information can be garnered with the following query:

Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "name = 'java.exe'" | Select-Object ProcessId, Name, @{label='Service';expression={$_.CommandLine.Substring($_.CommandLine.LastIndexof('com.vontu'))}}, WorkingSetSize, UserModeTime, PageFaults, PageFileUsage, HandleCount  | Out-GridView

Example output:

Using the above example, an Endpoint servers Aggregator process would be PID 15,328.  This detail could be used for memory dump capture or performance monitoring, among other uses.