For the View 14.0 PTF LU08947, what is triggering the issue?
Is this caused only when you issue an IDUMP or DUMP, where it should continue on and append the next file, and instead it is overwriting previous files?
If we use the INEW or NEW command, instead, is this not a concern for our databases?
Also, is this an issue with the SARPAC utility, where View appends more reports to the end of a tape as well?
Release : 14.0
Here is information regarding View 14.0 PTF LU08947:
. This issue is only caused by someone taking an image of a database, and starts View up on another system, like a DR site.
This would amount to running the same View on two different systems at the same time.
. If the other system (DR site) has access to the View tapes, a backup cycle on that system can overlay an existing View tape and reports backed up by the production system can be lost.
. It could be IDUMP, DUMP, or standard or interim backup on the other system that does the overlay.
There could also be an issue with running SARPAC on that other system.
. Sometimes the View administrator is not aware of any data loss occurring.