Upgrade to 16.1.3 - Staffing Saved Views did not copy the Widgets
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Upgrade to 16.1.3 - Staffing Saved Views did not copy the Widgets


Article ID: 271208


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Views created with Widgets in prior release on the Staffing Workspace - Allocations Timeline do not have the Widgets copied into the 'Allocations by Resource' tab; they only show up on the Allocations by Investment tab. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. In a pre-16.1.3 release, create some saved views on the Staffing Workspace: Allocations Timeline page 
  2. On the saved views, add some Widgets 
  3. Upgrade to Release 16.1.3 
  4. The saved views (with or without Widgets) are copied to both 'Allocations by Investment' and 'Allocations by Resource' tabs
  5. Open the views and compare them on both tabs with the pre-16.1.3 release 

Expected Results: If the saved view has Widgets, the Widgets should appear and be available in the Widgets configuration pages. 

Actual Results: The Widgets are not copied over the to the 'Allocations by Resource' tab, but do show up on the 'Allocations by Investment' tab. 

Workaround: After upgrade, manually create the Widgets in the 'Allocations by Resource' tab. 




Release 16.1.3 


Under engineering review.