Diskpart sees 4 partitions on the drive, Ghost only sees one partition with a partition ID of EE
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Diskpart sees 4 partitions on the drive, Ghost only sees one partition with a partition ID of EE


Article ID: 271184


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite Deployment Solution


When Capturing a disk image, DiskPart shows all 4 partitions but Ghost only see's one partition with the ID of EE.  As a side note, this particular system was an Acer and shipped this way from the factory.


Ghost see's the NMVe drive and physical properties.

Ghost only sees one partition with an ID of 0xEE:



Release : 3.3


Hex value EE partition type is a hint at why the rest of the Partitions are not seen.  Here are a list of Partition Types: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_type


Ghost cannot see the partitions as the partition type is '0xEE' (Protective MBR).  The Protective MBR has a single partition entry that should cover the entire disk's space. This partition entry uses the "EE" partition ID to signal to older systems and utilities that the disk is GPT-protected and should not be modified or treated like a traditional MBR disk.

Currently Ghost does not support GPT disks with a Protective MBR. Customer may try to investigate approaches to remove Protective MBR taking into account all risks and consequences, in order to allow Ghost to see disk as GPT and image it as GPT.

Diskpart can be used to clear the protective MBR.  NOTE: this method is destructive and will result in loss of all data on the drive.

Open a Command Prompt or Powershell and type in the commands below.

  • diskpart
  • list disk
  • select disk X  (X is the drive to convert, typically 0)
  • clean
  • convert gpt
  • exit

NOTE: There may be other 3rd party disk tools that can delete the Protective MBR without losing data.