Servers excluded from reboot, reboot anyway
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Servers excluded from reboot, reboot anyway


Article ID: 271174


Updated On:


Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


Patches were applied to Productive Servers and we observed that some Servers that were Excluded from Not Rebooting group ended up being rebooted. They all reset at exactly the same time.


Release: 8.7


Scenario Agent Log Entries Windows System Logs (Event Viewer)

With reboot scheduled for at the end of the patch cycle using the Default Software Update Plug-in Policy

Program 'windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu for MSNS23-07-5028244' completed. Exit code=3010. Execution context='Administrator'. RunAs='\'
Advertisement {637B021F-A094-4A5A-8155-8323E105C598} completed status (1) exitcode (3010)
Return code (3010) indicates a reboot is required. Update may not be rescheduled until after reboot
Setting agent to reboot
System is Pending Reboot: TRUE, Global wait for reboot FALSE
Assessment result: software update [MSNS23-07-5028244]:windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu installed successfully
8/3/2023 10:12:33 PMFinishedApplyingUpdates - reboot required
8/3/2023 10:12:33 FinishedApplyingUpdates reboot option [3], reboot flags[200705]
8/3/2023 10:12:33 FinishedApplyingUpdates - immediate reboot or RebootPostPatchCycle
8/3/2023 10:12:33 FinishedApplyingUpdates - immediate reboot or RebootPostPatchCycle/okayToDoMaintenance
8/3/2023 10:12:33 Changing state from [Applying updates] to [Reboot pending]
8/3/2023 10:12:33 Setting agent to reboot
8/3/2023 10:12:33 Registering power action '0x00031001: reboot, force, restart apps, maintenance'
8/3/2023 10:12:33 Really starting power action '0x00031001: reboot, force, restart apps, maintenance'
8/3/2023 10:12:33 Forcing system restart
8/3/2023 10:12:33 The registered applications will be restarted after user logon
8/3/2023 10:12:33 System restart successfully initiated
8/3/2023 10:12:33 Waiting for a power action
8/3/2023 10:12:34 Windows session is ending, terminating UI session host
8/3/2023 10:14:09 Post Shutdown event to server

Note: Machine reboots here

8/3/2023 10:17:54 PM  Machine Reboot detected
Reboot had been detected as REQUIRED by Patch agent before reboot 

8/3/2023 10:12:33 PM          1074 Information      

The process C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\AeXNSAgent.exe(Computer-Win10) has initiated the restart of computer Computer-W10 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason:

Application: Maintenance (Planned)

Reason Code: 0x80040001

Shutdown Type: restart

Comment: Shutdown requested by Symantec Management Agent

With reboot set to "Never" using the Default Software Update Plug-in Policy

Program 'windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu for MSNS23-07-5028244' completed. Exit code=3010. Execution context='Administrator'. RunAs='\'
Advertisement {637B021F-A094-4A5A-8155-8323E105C598} completed status (1) exitcode (3010)
Return code (3010) indicates a reboot is required. Update may not be rescheduled until after reboot
Setting agent to reboot
System is Pending Reboot: TRUE, Global wait for reboot FALSE
Assessment result: software update [MSNS23-07-5028244]:windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu installed successfully
8/7/2023 3:12:00 PM "FinishedApplyingUpdates - reboot required","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:00 PM "FinishedApplyingUpdates reboot option [2], reboot flags[65537]","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:00 PM "Changing state from [Applying updates] to [Ready]","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:00 PM "Changing state from [Ready] to [Checking updates]","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:00 PM "System is Pending Reboot: TRUE, Global wait for reboot FALSE","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:17 PM "'Patch Windows System Assessment Scan Tool Package' executed, exit code=0","CAuxilliaryPackage","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:17 PM "Applicability check evaluated TRUE for windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:17 PM "Installed Rule evaluated FALSE for windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu.","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:12:17 PM "Software Update windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu requires a reboot AFTER installation.","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","400","Informational"

Note: Manual Reboot submitted by user at 3:30 PM

8/7/2023 3:43:07 PM "Main SMF thread is about to sleep for 3600000 ms...","SMFAgent_Agent","smfagent.dll","6364","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:35:53 PM "Reboot had been detected as REQUIRED by Patch agent before reboot ","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","6348","Informational"
8/7/2023 3:36:15 PM "Resetting consecutive successful application count for windows10.0-kb5028244-x64.msu - A reboot has been detected","SoftwareUpdateAgent","PatchMgmtAgents.dll","6348","Informational"

8/7/2023 3:30:06 PM           1074 Information      

The process C:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exe (Computer-W10) has initiated the restart of computer Computer-W10 on behalf of user ITMS2\User for the following reason:

Other (Unplanned)
Reason Code: 0x0
Shutdown Type: restart