Out of Service Point, all the Service Catalog offerings are visible but when you want to submit an offering out of Service Point, the submit button does not work, offerings are not created.
The following error can be seen from the console tab of the browser developer tools:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://<Catalog_Hostname>:<port>/usm/wpf?Node=icguinode.submitservicerequest&b2b=json&sh=zNkL5M9L842PGtpNwt010HQ25wA%3D&portal=true&locale=en-US' from origin 'http://<ServicePoint_Hostname>:<port>' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Release : 17.x
Service Point and Service Catalog are on different domains.
In order to resolve the CORS error when Service Point and Service Catalog are on different domains, need to enable SSL between the both servers.
As an alternative, can also have a load balancer configured.