Restore ICA application while preserving existing database and cube
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Restore ICA application while preserving existing database and cube


Article ID: 271102


Updated On:


Information Centric Analytics


In a two- or three-tier environment, you want to install a new instance of the Information Centric Analytics (ICA) application on a new server but continue to use the existing database and cube so that the new instance retains the settings and data of the former application instance.


Release : 6.x

Component : Microsoft Internet Information Services



At a high level, this procedure will require you to:

  1. Install ICA on the new application server, specifying a new database and new cube, and skipping the installation of the Database Utilities;
  2. Edit the connection string in the new site's web.config file to point to the old database;
  3. Delete the new database and ancillary objects;
  4. Delete the new cube.

NOTE: After completing this procedure, you may find you need to make other adjustments to the application in IIS, such as adding a server certificate and an SSL/TLS binding. All configuration items not specified in the ICA Administrator Guide for a basic installation fall outside the scope of this document.

Install ICA

  1. Run the ICA installer [SymantecICAInstaller.exe] as a user with both local administrator rights and the sysadmin role in SQL Server
  2. In the Symantec ICA Installation Wizard, select the Full Install option
  3. Proceed through each step of the wizard until you reach the Data Sources page
  4. Under the heading SQL Server Configuration, enter the hostname (and instance, if named) of the SQL Server host in the Server field and click the Connect button
    NOTE: Ensure you specify the name of the SQL Server host server and instance that contains the extant copy of the RiskFabric database
  5. Under the heading SQL Server Configuration, enter the name Migration for the temporary database (do not name it RiskFabric)
  6. Under the heading Analysis Services Configuration, enter the hostname (and instance, if named) of the Analysis Services host in the Server field and click the Connect button
    NOTE: Ensure you specify the name of the Analysis Services host server and instance that contains the extant copy of the RiskFabric cube
  7. Under the heading Analysis Services Configuration, enter the name Migration for the temporary database (do not name it RiskFabric)
  8. Under the heading Connection Credentials, select either the option to use the Kerberos protocol or specify a domain user as needed for your environment
  9. Under the heading Default Domain, enter in the Domain field the domain name that is in use in your environment today and click the Next button
    NOTE: If you do not know the default domain, or wish to confirm, open the ICA console and navigate to Admin > Settings > General and search for Default Domain
  10. Click the Next button to proceed to the Database Utilities page
  11. Deselect the option labelled Install Database Utilities Now? and proceed with the remainder of the installation wizard

Edit Database Connection String

  1. On the new application server, run Notepad (or another text editor of your choice) as an administrator
  2. From the File menu, select Open...
    The Open window will appear
  3. Navigate to the location in which you installed ICA
    NOTE: The default installation location is:
    C:\Program Files\Bay Dynamics\Risk Fabric Server Web
  4. Select the file web.config and click the Open button
  5. Locate the following key:
      <add name="RiskFabric.Web.Properties.Settings.DatabaseConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=<hostname[\instance]>;Initial Catalog=Migration;Integrated Security=SSPI;" />
  6. Change the Initial Catalog value to RiskFabric:
    Initial Catalog=RiskFabric
  7. From the File menu, select Save
  8. Open a Command Prompt as an administrator
  9. Execute the following commands:

Delete New Database and Objects

  1. From any host, open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  2. Connect to the Database Engine (and named instance, if used) hosting the Migration database
  3. From the File menu, select New > Query with Current Connection
  4. Copy the following statement and paste it in the new query window:
    USE [master];
    DROP DATABASE [Migration];
  5. Execute the statement by pressing the F5 key, clicking the Execute button in the SQL Editor toolbar, or selecting Execute from the Query menu
  6. In Object Explorer, navigate to Server Objects > Linked Servers
  7. Right-click the linked server Migration_ASDB and select Delete
  8. From the File menu, select New > Query with Current Connection
  9. Copy the following statement and paste it in the new query window:
    USE [msdb];
    EXEC sp_delete_job @job_name = N'Migration DB Maintenance Weekly';
    EXEC sp_delete_job @job_name = N'Migration Intraday Processing';
    EXEC sp_delete_job @job_name = N'Migration Processing';
    EXEC sp_delete_job @job_name = N'Migration Send Scan Exclusion Notifications';
    EXEC sp_delete_job @job_name = N'Migration Send Vulnerability Summary Emails';
    EXEC sp_delete_proxy @proxy_name = N'Migration Nightly Processing';
    EXEC sp_delete_proxy @proxy_name = N'Migration Proxy';
    DROP CREDENTIAL [Migration Nightly Processing];
  10. Execute the statement by pressing the F5 key, clicking the Execute button in the SQL Editor toolbar, or selecting Execute from the Query menu

Delete New Cube

  1. From any host, open SSMS
  2. Connect to the Analysis Services server (and named instance, if used) hosting the Migration cube
  3. In Object Explorer, expand the Databases folder
  4. Right-click the Migration database and select Delete
    The Delete Object dialog box will open
  5. Click the OK button