In order to PXE boot, the Boot.wim file is downloaded from the PXE server using MTFTP protocol. Some customers are seeing Boot.WIM fail to start or fail to complete the download from the PXE server. The cause is the MTFTP server will repeatedly stop and eventually restart. The issue is found after upgrading to GSS 3.3 RU11. This causes PXE boot failures and no PXE boot menu is presented.
PxeMTFTP logs show the following:
2023-07-24T19:33:16.829367Z INFO pxemtftp: Stop request received...
2023-07-24T19:33:16.829520Z INFO tftp_server::server: Cancellation request received...
2023-07-24T19:33:16.829613Z TRACE mio::poll: deregistering event source from poller
2023-07-24T19:33:16.829812Z INFO pxemtftp: Server completed successfully!
2023-07-24T19:33:16.829892Z INFO tftp_server::connection_monitor: Cancellation event received
2023-07-24T19:33:16.829978Z INFO tftp_server::connection_monitor: Monitor task finished
2023-07-24T19:33:16.829996Z TRACE mio::poll: deregistering event source from poller
When boot.wim fails to complete loading, some customers are seeing the Windows Boot Manager with the following error code:
Status: 0xc0000001
Info: A required device isn't connected or can't be accessed.
Ghost Solution Suite 3.3 RU11
GSS 3.3 RU11
The issue is most likely caused by service control events or interrogate events causing the service to stop due to a misconfiguration in the service itself
A drop-in fix is available and attached to this KB to address the issue until a permanent fix is available. To apply the fix, the Altiris PXE MTFTP Server service executable will need to be replaced with the drop-in executable attached.