The DB2 tools compare job failed DB2 CONNECT ERR:DB2  V12R1M510  mismatch SSIDVERF=V12R1M100
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The DB2 tools compare job failed DB2 CONNECT ERR:DB2  V12R1M510  mismatch SSIDVERF=V12R1M100


Article ID: 271013


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The compare job failed in the COMPRT step with the following message: 

In     INS     Compare DB2 Objects                                DB20000    0000

The job failed in the COMPRT step.


   CA-DB2 QUICK INSTALL DDL COMPARE                     DATE: 08-02-23

   AUDIT/ERROR REPORT FOR VERSION RCMK00                TIME: 16:12:13 

         INPUT FILE                        NUMBER OF STATEMENTS

         ----------                        --------------------

          DDLIN                                 000000017 

          TOTAL                                 000000017 

RM00258I Automap process has been invoked: 20.0.08

RCM00011: DB2 connection error:

         DB2 CONNECT ERR:DB2  V12R1M510  mismatch SSIDVERF=V12R1M100 

RCM00055: The AUTOMAP phase has completed with errors.  Please check

          the MSGFILE DD for more information on the error.


Release : 20.0


To resolve this problem, make sure that SSIDVERF in the HGHLVL.CDBAPARM(SETUP00) is the correct function level of the subsystem in question.